The 12 Most Popular Urban Explorer Forums You Can Join Today

The 12 Most Popular Urban Explorer Forums You Can Join Today

Urban exploration, also known as urbex, is a thrilling activity that involves exploring abandoned or hidden locations in urban areas. Whether you’re an experienced urban explorer or just starting out, joining an online forum dedicated to this unique hobby can provide valuable insights, tips, and a sense of community.

These forums serve as platforms for like-minded individuals to share their experiences, discuss techniques, post photographs from their exploration, and connect with others who share their passion for exploring the hidden side of cities.

If you are not joining these Urban Explorer Forums, you are missing out on a wealth of information and opportunities to connect with fellow enthusiasts. In these forums, you can find discussions on a wide range of topics related to urban exploration, such as the best locations to explore, safety precautions, equipment recommendations, and even legal considerations.

popular urban explorer forums You need to know

To help keep urban explorers informed about these unique destinations, there are several online forums they can join. 

Here is a list of the 12 most popular urban explorer forums you can join today!

1. Urban Exploration Resource:

The Urban Exploration Resource (UER) is an online community and resource center for urban explorers. This forum offers a safe and secure place to discuss urban exploration topics, share photos, and ask questions about safety and legal issues.

2. Spelunking:

This website is dedicated to the art and sport of spelunking, or cave exploration. It is a great place to learn about the different types of caves and how to safely explore them. It also offers advice on the types of gear you should bring, as well as tips for staying safe while spelunking.

3. Urban Exploration Alliance:

The Urban Exploration Alliance (UEA) is an international network dedicated to promoting safety and knowledge in urban exploration. This forum offers a wealth of information on safety, legal issues, and the best locations to explore.

4. Urban Exploration Underground:

This forum is focused solely on urban exploration. Here you can find useful information on exploring abandoned buildings, tunnels, and other forgotten places around the world. It also serves as a great place to connect with other urban explorers and share stories.

5. Adventure Junkies:

Adventure Junkies is a forum for adventurers of all types, including urban exploration. This forum provides a safe and welcoming place to ask questions about safety, legal issues, and the best places to explore.

6. Abandoned Places:

Abandoned Places is an online community dedicated to exploring forgotten locations. Here you can find stories from other explorers, discuss safety and legal issues, and share photos of some of your most exciting journeys.

7. Urban Exploration Forum:

 This is a great place to connect with other urban explorers and discuss safety, legal issues, and the best places to explore. It also offers advice on how to stay safe while exploring urban areas.

8. Urban Exploration Network:

 The Urban Exploration Network (UEN) is an international network of urban exploration enthusiasts.

It is the website to join if you’re looking for a forum dedicated to urban exploration. This website is filled with helpful tips and advice on safety, legal issues, and the best places to explore.

10. Derelict Places Forum:

 You can join today. It is a community forum for decaying, derelict, and abandoned places. Here you can talk about exploring these unique and often dangerous venues.

11.28DaysLater Forum:

This online community was created to provide a safe space for urban explorers to share stories, ask questions, and connect with others who share the same passion. The forum offers information on safety, legal issues, and tips and tricks for exploring abandoned locations.

12. Darkroasted Blend Forum:

Darkroasted Blend is a website dedicated to dark tourism, which includes exploring abandoned places. This forum offers a wealth of information and resources for urban exploration.

13. Urbex: forgotten ulster Forum:

This forum is a great place to find out about exploring abandoned and dereliction left behind in Ulster and across Ireland, attempting to capture.

What are the benefits of joining Urbex Forums?

Joining Urban Exploration (Urbex) forums can offer several benefits for individuals interested in this unique and adventurous hobby. Urban exploration involves exploring abandoned or hidden urban spaces, such as buildings, factories, tunnels, and other structures.

Here are some advantages of joining Urbex forums:

1. Community and Networking:

Urbex forums provide a platform to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest in exploring and documenting abandoned places. You can engage in discussions, share your experiences, and learn from others who have extensive knowledge about various locations.

2. Knowledge Sharing:

Urbex forums are a treasure trove of information about different locations, safety precautions, equipment recommendations, and photography tips. Members often share valuable insights on how to access and navigate abandoned sites safely and responsibly.

3. Location Discovery:

Members often post about new and intriguing abandoned locations they’ve discovered. Being a part of such forums can help you discover hidden gems and places you might not have found on your own.

4. Safety and Advice:

Urbex can be risky, as abandoned sites may pose various hazards. Forums are a great place to learn about safety protocols, equipment, and strategies for minimizing risks while exploring.

5. Inspiration and Creativity:

Seeing others’ photographs and stories can inspire your own creativity and photography skills. Sharing your own experiences and work can also lead to constructive feedback and improvement.

6. Collaborations:

Urbex forums can be a platform for finding potential exploration partners or photographers to collaborate with on projects. Exploring with others can enhance safety and enrich your experiences.

7. Preservation Efforts:

Some forums have members passionate about preserving the history and architecture of abandoned sites. You can learn about restoration projects, historic information, and efforts to document these spaces before they deteriorate further.

8. Challenges and Competitions:

Some forums host challenges or competitions related to urban exploration and photography. Participating can be a fun way to challenge yourself and showcase your skills.

9. Advice on Legal and Ethical Aspects:

Urban exploration often involves navigating legal and ethical considerations. Forums can provide insights into the legal status of exploring certain sites, obtaining permissions, and practicing ethical behavior.

10. Supportive Environment:

Whether you’re a seasoned Urbex enthusiast or a beginner, forums can offer a supportive environment where you can ask questions, share concerns, and learn from others without judgment.


Remember, while joining Urbex forums can be highly beneficial, always prioritize safety, legality, and ethical considerations in your explorations. Be respectful of the places you visit, as well as the community and environment around them.

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