Exploring Storm Drains: Everything You Need to Know


Are you an urban explorer looking for a new thrill? If so, then underground storm drains may be the perfect addition to your list of abandoned places to explore. However, before you grab your gear and head out, it’s important to understand the potential dangers and safety precautions associated with exploring storm drains.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at storm drains, and concrete tunnels, particularly those in Los Angeles, and provide you with all the necessary information to stay safe while embarking on this urban exploring adventure. So grab a flashlight and let’s dive into the underground world of storm drains.

What Are Storm Drains?

Storm drains are underground pipes or channels designed to collect rainwater and carry it away from residential and urban areas. They often lead to rivers, lakes, or the ocean, and play a crucial role in preventing flooding during heavy rain. However, storm drains are not just utilitarian structures; they also offer an intriguing underground world for urban explorers.

Is Exploring Storm Drains Part of Urban Exploration?

Urban exploration has gained popularity over the years, with fellow explorer venturing into abandoned buildings, tunnels, and other forgotten structures. Therefore, it’s no surprise that storm drains have become a popular destination for urban explorers looking for unique experiences. 

However, unlike exploring abandoned buildings, storm water, or tunnels, navigating through storm drains requires specific knowledge and safety precautions.

How Do You Clog Storm Drains in Abandoned Places?

One of the main dangers associated with exploring storm drains is potential clogging. Since storm drains are designed to carry large amounts of water, anything that obstructs the flow can cause flooding and dangerous conditions for explorers.

In abandoned places, debris such as trash, fallen leaves, or even small animals can easily block the openings of storm drains. Therefore, it’s important to always be aware of your surroundings and avoid throwing objects into storm drains.

Active steam tunnels, which are often found in heavily populated areas, need to be treated with caution as they may still be used for the transportation of items that can cause clogging.

What You Should Know Before Exploring Storm Drains in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles, with its extensive storm drain network, offers a unique and exhilarating exploration experience. As you venture through these underground passages, you’ll discover a hidden world that intertwines with the city’s vast and diverse topography.

From winding tunnels to unexpected twists and turns, these drains showcase the intricate complexity that reflects the urban landscape above. So, brace yourself for an adventure like no other as you navigate through the labyrinthine depths beneath the streets of Los Angeles.

Rapid Water Level Changes

Unlike other cities, storm drains in Los Angeles can fill up rapidly due to sudden storms. Always check the weather forecast before venturing into these drains.

Legal Implications

Exploring storm drains in Los Angeles could lead to legal consequences. The city has strict trespassing laws, and entering storm drains without permission is considered illegal. Always obtain permission from the authorities or property owners before exploring these drains.

The Importance of Proper Gear

Exploring storm drains requires proper gear to ensure your safety and make your experience more enjoyable. Appropriate footwear, such as waterproof boots with good traction, is essential for navigating wet and slippery surfaces. A headlamp or flashlight is also crucial for seeing in the dark and avoiding potential hazards.

Clogged Storm Drains

One of the most significant risks associated with exploring storm drains is encountering clogs. These clogs can be caused by debris, such as plastic bags and bottles, that accumulate in the drain over time. Clogged drains can lead to sudden and unpredictable flooding, trapping explorers inside or washing them out into the open waterways. It is crucial to always be aware of your surroundings and have an exit plan in case of a clog or flood.

The Dangers of Exploring Storm Drains

Storm drains, particularly the abandoned ones, can be perilous due to their unstable structures and the presence of harmful gases and bacteria. Also, these drains might be home to creatures such as spiders, rats, and even snakes.

You may also encounter sharp objects, toxic substances or waste materials. Overall, the dangers of storm drain exploration are real and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

1. Disorientation and Trapping

Navigating through the dark and maze-like storm drains can be disorienting, especially for those without experience or proper gear. It is easy to get lost in these underground tunnels, and if you don’t have a map or guide, you could become trapped inside.

2. Hazardous Materials

Storm drains are not just full of water; they also contain hazardous materials like sewage and chemicals that can pose a serious health risk. These substances can cause skin irritations, respiratory problems, and even more severe illnesses if ingested.

3. Structural Instability

Abandoned storm drains are often neglected and can have structural damage, making them unsafe for exploration. These structures can collapse without warning, trapping, or injuring explorers inside.

You should get permission for entry from the owner. The chance of rain should be checked prior to going. Wear appropriate footwear with good traction. 

4. Unpredictable Weather Conditions

Storm drains are designed to carry away excess water, so a sudden storm could rapidly flood the drains and heavy rainfall. This poses a significant danger to urban explorers as the water levels can rise quickly, leaving little to no time for escape.

5. Wildlife Encounters

Storm drains can serve as homes to various wildlife, including rats, raccoons, and even snakes in some regions. Encountering these animals in such a confined space can be frightening and potentially dangerous, especially if the animal feels threatened and becomes aggressive. It’s also worth noting that these animals may carry diseases, which can be another health risk for explorers.

Tips For Staying Safe When Exploring Drains

  1. Stay Informed: Before venturing into storm drains, research the area’s weather conditions, particularly if rain is forecasted. Rain can quickly fill drains, posing a significant risk.
  2. Never Go Alone: Always bring a buddy for exploring storm drains. In case of an emergency, having another person can make all the difference.
  3. Communicate Your Plans: Make sure someone not involved in the exploration knows where you’re going and when you’re expected to return.
  4. Wear Protective Clothing: Wear clothing suitable for the environment. This includes waterproof footwear and gloves, sturdy clothing that can withstand rough surfaces, and a helmet.
  5. Bring Necessary Equipment: Always carry a reliable source of light, such as a headlamp or flashlight, and a fully charged mobile phone for emergencies.
  6. Avoid Touching Objects: Storm drains may contain harmful substances or sharp objects, so avoid touching things or walking barefoot.
  7. Respect the Space: Do not cause damage or leave trash behind. Respect the environment and leave it as you found it.
  8. Know Your Limits: If a situation feels unsafe, it probably is. Do not push your limits and risk your safety. Always prioritize your well-being over curiosity.


Exploring storm drains can be an exciting and unique experience for urban explorers, but it’s essential to keep safety in mind. By staying informed, being prepared, and respecting the environment, you can have a safe and enjoyable adventure.

Remember always to prioritize your safety and have a plan in place before venturing into storm drains. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy the thrill of exploring while staying safe and responsible. Happy exploring!

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