Abandoned Places in Fayetteville, NC

Abandoned places in Fayetteville, NC

Fayetteville is North Carolina’s sixth largest city rich in history and culture, but it also has its fair share of abandoned places that have been left to decay over time. These forgotten buildings and structures are not only intriguing but also serve as a reminder of the city’s past.

Before Fayetteville became the bustling city it is today, it was once a hub for trade and agriculture, with several structures erected to facilitate these industries. Some of these historic edifices, now abandoned, stand as silent witnesses to the city’s bygone era.

In this article, we will take you on a journey through these abandoned places in Fayetteville, NC, revealing fascinating stories of economic shifts, urban development, and architectural trends.

Exploring the haunted spots around Fayetteville

Urban exploration is not for the faint-hearted, but for those with a sense of adventure, it provides a unique lens into Fayetteville’s history. Each abandoned place harbors its tale, often echoing with the silent whispers of its past inhabitants.

Embarking on this journey, we are not just observers, but detectives unraveling the mysteries these forsaken places hold.

So, buckle up, as we dive into the depths of the abandoned, the haunted, and the forgotten corners of Fayetteville, NC.

The E. A. Poe House

After years of neglect and abandonment, the E. A. Poe House now stands as a haunting relic of the past. Its weathered facade and crumbling walls bear witness to the passage of time, creating an eerie atmosphere that lingers in the air.

As the sun sets, casting long shadows over the house, whispers of ghostly tales and unexplained phenomena start to emerge.

Visitors who dare to step inside the abandoned rooms and hallways of the E. A. Poe House have reported spine-chilling experiences. Some claim to have heard faint echoes of mysterious footsteps.

The flickering lights and creaking floorboards only add to the unsettling ambiance, leaving a lasting impression on those who dare to explore its haunted depths.

The E. A. Poe House is not just a forgotten relic, but a place where history, mystery, and the supernatural converge. It serves as a reminder of the enigmatic legacy left behind by Edgar Allan Poe, captivating the imaginations of all who encounter its eerie allure.

The Old City Hospital

The Old City Hospital on Hay Street was once a bustling medical facility that served the community for over 100 years. However, due to its outdated design and lack of modern equipment, the hospital was shut down in 2011.

Since then, the abandoned historic building has been a popular spot for urban explorers, and ghost hunters who have captured stunning photos of the decaying interiors.

The Federal Point Lighthouse

Located on Baldhead Island in Fayetteville, the Federal Point Lighthouse was built in 1817 and served as a beacon for sailors navigating along the Cape Fear River. However, due to erosion and other factors, the lighthouse was decommissioned in 1880 and has been abandoned ever since.

Today, visitors can explore the abandoned lighthouse and take in stunning views of the surrounding area.

The Ghost Train Tunnel

In Hope Mills, just outside Fayetteville, lies an abandoned railroad tunnel that is known as the “Ghost Train Tunnel.” This eerie structure was built in 1917 and was once an important part of the local railroad system.

However, after a fatal accident in 1923, the tunnel was abandoned and has since become a popular spot for thrill-seeking explorers. Visitors reported they saw a ghostly presence in the tunnel.

The Ruins of Campbellton

Located on the scenic banks of the Cape Fear River, the ruins of Campbellton stand as a poignant reminder of a once-thriving town that met its untimely demise due to devastating floods and a gradual economic decline.

As you explore this hauntingly beautiful site, you will come across the remnants of old buildings, streets, and sidewalks, underground passageway each bearing the weight of history and offering a glimpse into the vibrant past of this now-forgotten ghost town.

Walk in the footsteps of those who once called Campbellton home and immerse yourself in the captivating narrative of its rise and fall. Where tales of resilience, struggle, and eventual abandonment are etched into every weathered brick and crumbling stone.

The Abandoned Farms of Cumberland County

Cumberland County, where Fayetteville is located, was once home to numerous thriving farms. However, as industrialization took over, many of these farms were abandoned and left to decay.

Today, these abandoned farmhouses, barns, and other structures can be found scattered throughout the countryside, offering a haunting reminder of the county’s agricultural past.

Scattered around Cumberland County, the abandoned farms stand as stark reminders of Fayetteville’s agrarian past. These farms were once bustling, the heart of the local agricultural economy, teeming with life and activity.

However, as the city began to industrialize and farming practices evolved, these farms were gradually left behind.

Today, they stand in silent testament to a bygone era. You can still see the skeletal remains of barns and farmhouses, their wooden frames weathered by decades of neglect. Overgrown fields that once bore crops now host wild flora, reclaiming the land bit by bit.

These abandoned farms, with their eerie charm, attract urban explorers and photographers, each eager to capture a piece of Fayetteville’s forgotten history.

How to Find Abandoned Places in Fayetteville

If you’re interested in exploring some of these abandoned places in Fayetteville, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • Always do your research: Before heading out to explore, make sure you have all the necessary information about the location. This includes its history, the reason it was abandoned, and any legal issues associated with the site.
  • Safety first: Abandoned places can be dangerous. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear, carry a flashlight, and avoid going alone. If you suspect the structure might be unstable, do not enter.
  • Respect the property: Many of these places are a part of Fayetteville’s history. Do not vandalize or take anything from these sites. Leave them as you found them for future explorers to enjoy.
  • Get Permission: It’s important to remember that many abandoned places are still privately owned. Always obtain permission before exploring to avoid any legal trouble.
  • Stay Curious: Each abandoned place in Fayetteville has its own unique story. Enjoy the thrill of unraveling these stories, but always ensure you’re doing so responsibly.


Exploring abandoned places in Fayetteville is a unique and exciting experience that allows you to step back in time and discover hidden gems of the city’s past. From an old hospital with a haunted history to a forgotten amusement park, each location offers its adventure. Just remember to always prioritize safety and respect when venturing into these abandoned places.

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