Top 5 Abandoned Islands in Japan

Top 5 Abandoned Islands in Japan

Japan is an archipelago nation, made up of thousands of islands. While some of these islands are bustling with life and activity, many more have been abandoned over the years. From remote fishing villages to once-thriving merchant ports, Japan has a plethora of exciting and beautiful deserted islands worth exploring.

What are Abandoned Islands?

Abandoned islands are those which were once inhabited, but have since been deserted for a variety of reasons. These can be natural—due to changing weather patterns or geological shifts—or man-made such as economic issues or political upheaval. Whatever the cause, these islands are now empty and often quite picturesque.

Different Types of Islands:

Japan is home to a variety of different types of islands, each with its unique character and atmosphere. From small uninhabited isles to large former merchant ports, each has its own story to tell.

The small abandoned islands are often the most hauntingly beautiful. These deserted places are usually remote and far away from civilization, making them perfect spots for exploring and photography.

Here is a list of some of the most fascinating abandoned islands in Japan.

1. Hashima Island:

Ghost Towns and Abandoned Cities in the World

This tiny island off the coast of Nagasaki was once home to a bustling coal mining settlement. The Mitsubishi Corporation ran the mine for decades, but after the industry began to collapse in the 1960s, so did the island’s population. Today, it is an eerie reminder of Japan’s industrial past. Hashima is one of the most famous abandoned islands in Japan.

2. Miyake Island:

Miyake Island

This island is part of the Izu archipelago and was home to a thriving fishing village until it was completely evacuated in 2000 after a volcanic eruption. Today, it remains uninhabited and off-limits to visitors.

3. Sarushima Island:

Sarushima Island

Sarushima Island is a small island located off the coast of Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture. It was once home to a military fort that was used by the Japanese Navy during World War II. After the war, the island was abandoned and left untouched for decades until it was rediscovered by tourists in recent years. Today, the island is open to visitors and is a popular destination for camping and sightseeing.

4. Tsushima Islands:

Tsushima Islands

The Tsushima Islands are a group of small islands located between Japan and South Korea. Once home to a vibrant fishing community, the islands were deserted during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904. Today, they remain deserted but are home to some stunning scenery.

5. Ojika Island:

Ojika Island

This island is located off the coast of Kyushu and was once home to a vibrant fishing community. The island had been inhabited since the Edo period but was abandoned in the early 20th century after its population began to dwindle. Today, it is a popular destination for visitors who want to explore a traditional Japanese fishing village that has been untouched by time.

How we can explore all above mentioned islands?

For those who want to explore these abandoned islands, there are a few ways to do so. If you are looking for a guided tour, several companies offer tours of some of Japan’s most fascinating abandoned locations. These tours usually include visits to Hashima Island and Miyake Island, as well as other hidden gems like Sarushima and the Tsushima Islands.

If you’d prefer to explore the islands on your own, there are several options available. You can rent a boat and cruise around the islands, or take a ferry from a nearby port. Additionally, some remote locations can be accessed with an ATV or other off-road vehicle. However, it is important to be aware of local laws and regulations before visiting any of these locations as some may be off-limits or require special permission to enter.

Visiting these abandoned islands can be an exciting and rewarding experience. There are a few things to keep in mind before embarking on such a journey. It is important to make sure that you have all the necessary safety equipment, such as life jackets and first aid supplies, as well as adequate shelter if staying overnight. Additionally, it is wise to research the area beforehand to determine if there are any risks of hazardous materials that may be present on the island. Finally, make sure to respect the local environment and take only photos, leaving behind only footprints.


These five abandoned islands are some of the most interesting and beautiful examples of Japan’s abandoned places. Whether you are interested in exploring the remnants of history or simply looking for a peaceful place to get away from it all, these islands are sure to provide a unique experience like no other.

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